experts to experts conference 14th June 2022, Cluj Innovation Park

Blessing or Curse? Embracing Change in Software Development

16:30 - 17:30

Software development projects are complex projects, characterized by a high dynamic of changes that occur during development. These changes are driven by the continuous transformation of customers and business needs, the disruptive evolution of technology and staff turnover. Project teams can control or influence these changes to a much lesser extent, often having to adapt to new situations.

One of the stated goals of Agile methodologies and practices is to capitalize on change for the competitive advantage of customers. The presentation will highlight how this affects project teams and what are the most harmful interpretations / implementations of this purpose.

Dan Suciu

(UBB & Colors in Projects)

Dan is a speaker, author, coach, and consultant in agile and predictive project management. He is partner at Colors in Project and lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Babes-Bolyai University where he delivers trainings and courses on Agile Methodologies, Project Management and Databases.

the developers about computer