experts to experts conference 14th June 2022, Cluj Innovation Park

Case Study: Agile Learnings From The Ground

11:30 - 12:00

We all know about the potential and benefits of the Agile Mindset. Most of us have used Scrum, have daily stand-up in the morning and are fans of Toyota’s Kanban. The problems are surfacing when we take the theory into practice for good and they are increasing when we are fighting hard to scale. Let’s scratch together the surface of a real-life case study: I invite you to meet the Connatix Agile implementation and to explore with me the three most important learnings we discovered on our journey.

Bogdan Muresan


I am one of the lucky people to do what they love to do, to fuel my passion for technology. Slowly I moved from building things and discovering new technical challenges by myself, to build teams and work with them to do this together. And more interesting I discovered a real sense of personal accomplishment by sharing what I know with the others. Writing articles, speaking at events, mentoring are things which I never thought I would love to do, but definitely are completing my passion for technology. All the experience I gained, the roles which I filled over time are just a consequence (even a bonus) of what I like to do.

the developers about computer